ISO 1467:2024 pdf download - General purpose push-pull single-pole circuit-breakers for aircraft — Performance requirements 飞机用通用推挽式单极断路器 - 性能要求

2024年05月15日 ISO 1467 pdf

ISO 1467:2024 pdf download - General purpose push-pull single-pole circuit-breakers for aircraft — Performance requirements.
飞机用通用推挽式单极断路器 - 性能要求
ISO 1467:2024 provides performance requirements of the general purpose push-pull single-pole circuit-breakers normal ratings up to and including 35 A for aircraft.
The purpose of this document are as follows.
a)To standardize the requirements for push-pull single-pole trip-free circuit-breakers normal ratings up
to and including 35 A that are physically and environmentally diversified.
b)To provide the applicable document for push-pull single-pole trip-free circuit-breakers.
In order to satisfy the purpose of this document,requirements such as those for physical,environmental and individual items are specified in accordance with the detail requirements that are issued individually.
ISO 1467:2024 specifies the performance requirements for push-pull single-pole trip-free circuit-breakers having an inverse time/current characteristic, of normal ratings up to and including 35 A, for use in nominal 28 V d.c. and/or 115 V single-phase 400 Hz a.c. line to neutral circuits.
本标准规定了具有逆时间/电流特性的推拉式单极无脱扣断路器的性能要求,正常额定值不超过35a,用于标称28v dc和/或115v单相400hz交流线路到中性电路。
ISO 1467 pdf





