ISO 5305:2024 pdf download - Noise measurements for UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) - 无人机系统的噪音测量

2024年05月15日 ISO 5305 pdf

ISO 5305:2024 pdf download,Noise measurements for UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) .
This document specifies the noise measurement methods for multirotor-powered UAS with an MTOM lessthan 150 kg.The noise due to the multirotor-powered UAS contains both tonal and broadband content,bothof which may have a significant impact on humans.The tonal noise can cause annoyance because humansare sensitive to pitch characteristics,while the broadband noise can affect the human brainstem auditoryevoked response.Both the tonal and broadband noise produced by multirotor-powered UAS is dependenton the working conditions,leading to significant differences at different microphone locations.
This document specifies methods for recording the time history of instantaneous sound pressure in several positions around rotor powered unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) with a maximum take-off mass (MTOM) of less than 150 kg in accordance with ISO 21895[9]. The UAS can be either electrically powered or fuel-powered. It is not applicable to the tilt-rotor or tilt-wing UAS. It does not account for the UAS noise certification or regulation
This document can also be applied to measure the sound pressure from a UAS with either multiple rotors or a single rotor.
本文件规定了根据ISO 21895[9]记录最大起飞质量(MTOM)小于150 kg的旋翼动力无人驾驶飞机系统(UAS)周围多个位置瞬时声压的时间历程的方法。无人机可以是电动的,也可以是燃料驱动的。它不适用于倾转旋翼或倾翼无人机。它不包括无人机噪音认证或法规
ISO 5305 pdf





