IEC 60092-3:1965 pdf download 船舶电气装置 - 第3部分:电缆(结构、试验和安装)Electrical installations in ships - Part 3: Cables (construction, testing and installations)

2024年05月07日 IEC 60092-3 pdf

IEC 60092-3:1965 pdf download,Electrical installations in ships - Part 3: Cables (construction, testing and installations)
船舶电气装置 - 第3部分:电缆(结构、试验和安装)
The operating conditions in ships sailing the seven seas as far as they affect electrical appliances are the same regardless of where the ship is built.Except for variations in quality,the materials used in the construction of electrical appliances are similar and are subject to the same natural laws.The characteristics of electric circuits and the behaviour of appliances are likewise predeterminable and follow the same fundamental laws irrespective of the country of origin.
It is accordingly feasible to establish international standards to secure that degree of performance, reliability and safety which are essential for the well-being of crews and passengers alike and for the safecarriage of valuable cargoes.
It is for the fulfilment of these ends that the present Recommendations have been formulated.Shipbuilders,electrical contractors and manufacturers engaged in the building of ships for the international market are faced at present with several codes of rules and regulations with which to comply although,as already stated,the conditions of service are identical.
IEC 60092-3 pdf






