IEC 60135:1961 pdf download 电子管和阀门中电极的编号和单位名称

2024年04月29日 electronic tubesIEC 60135 pdf

IEC 60135:1961 pdf download,Numbering of electrodes and designation of units in electronic tubes and valves.
1.Scope and object
This recommendation IEC 60135:1961 applies to multi-electrodes tubes and valves,with the exception of cathode-raytubes.
It describes the system used for numbering the electrodes of the same type in multi-electrode tubesand valves and for assigning designations to the units of multiple-unit tubes and valves.
For tubes and valves made with two or more similar units,the numbering of the units is given as derivedfrom the basing arrangement.
This recommendation shall not be used to determine the basing arrangement of any type.
The designations determined from this recommendation shall also apply to other tube or valveelements,such as heaters,shields,etc.
2.Numbering of electrodes in single-unit tubes and valves
In single-unit tubes and valves having more than one electrode of the same type,such as in multi-grid tubes and valves,such multiple electrodes shall be numbered consecutively,starting with the onenearer the cathode.Thus,in the case of multi-grid tubes and valves,the grid nearer the cathodeshall be designated grid 1,the next outward from the cathode,grid 2,etc.Electrodes of the sametype,when located at the same distance from a common cathode and acting on the same electronstream,shall be designated by the appropriate number suffixed by A,B,etc.Thus,in the case oftwo independent co-planar grids No.1,one shall be designated as grid 1a and the other as grid 1B.

1. 范围和目的
2. 单体管道和阀门中电极的编号

IEC 60135:1961 pdf download 电子管和阀门中电极的编号和单位名称






