ASTM D8402-23 pdf - Standard Practice For Development Of Microplastic Reference Samples For Calibration And Proficiency Evaluation In All Types Of Water Matrices With High To Low Levels Of Suspended Solids

2024年10月16日 ASTM D8402

ASTM D8402-23 - Standard Practice For Development Of Microplastic Reference Samples For Calibration And Proficiency Evaluation In All Types Of Water Matrices With High To Low Levels Of Suspended Solids.

This document outlines techniques for the production of microplastic particles derived from standard polymer pellets. It also provides guidelines for crafting microplastic reference materials, which are essential for calibrating and assessing the proficiency of microplastic collection, preparation, and identification techniques.

Section 1.2 clarifies that the methodology presented does not encompass strategies for shaping particles. The process typically results in particles of irregular forms, which can be advantageous in eliminating analytical biases associated with the use of specifically manufactured spherical beads. For applications requiring spherical or elongated fiber particles, alternative procedures are recommended.

In Section 1.3, it is noted that the document does not cover the handling of waste produced during the implementation of these procedures. It is the user's responsibility to adhere to relevant laws and regulations during the production and disposal of microplastic particles. Users are encouraged to establish proper protocols to reduce waste generation to an acceptable level.
ASTM D8402-23 pdf - Standard Practice For Development Of Microplastic Reference Samples For Calibration And Proficiency Evaluation In All Types Of Water Matrices With High To Low Levels Of Suspended Solids





